Unfortunately, Australia being the marginal snow country it is, I have only managed a handful of days out amongst our biggest lines ( here and here). As the season draws to a close I was eager to get back out there.
I arranged to ski with Rohan and Andy and we set off on the familiar slog out to Illawong and the Snowy River swing bridge. The snow is mostly gone from the lower elevations and we had to boot pack it pretty much all the way to the bridge.
Once over the snowy we made good time to the summit of Twynam, Australia’s third highest peak.
Rohan eyeing off Twynam
The ozbc presents itself
We dropped into The Triple A, an amazing chute of continuous steep fall line. We climbed out via the Watsons Creek conveyer belt. I’m still pretty new to the area but I have never seen so many people out. We came across three campsites and some other daytrippers.
The Watsons Creek exit
We dropped into the Avalanche Face and scored some nice spring turns.
Rohan and his crampons claim the ridge
We skinned back to Mt Twynam and took some bonus turns back to the Snowy River.
I made a vid of our time out at Mt Twynam (there are some issues with overexposure due to the angle of the sun and the slope aspect, sorry!).