Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Long Weekend

The Queens Birthday long weekend in June is traditionally the beginning of the Australian ski season. This year it also coincided with my sisters birthday. To celebrate my sister her boyfriend and a bunch of good friends made the trek from Sydney to our mountain home.

The weekend started with some beers in town. I haven been to the pub for a few weeks and there are a lot of new faces in town. What’s with the tall boy long t-shirts and hoodies fellas? Im not that old, and im sure people said what I wore looked f*cked, but they do look a bit ridiculous.

Anyway, rant over. We had a few people staying at our house and other staying in town. We met for breakfast at the famous Serges Cafe. The snow isn’t great at the moment so we made the call for a walk up to Horse Camp Hut.

Breakfast at Serges

Pumped for the walk

The hut is quickly becoming my go to for a quick escape. Its only a 6km round trip but it feels like you have stepped back into Australia’s pioneering mountain past.

Holly and I

Patty’s full bore creek crossing assault

The hut

The Horse Camp Hut ghost was not impressed by all the noise

Leisurely walk back

Flat tyre, girls watch and laugh at boys

After our walk we had a big cook up and bonfire at our house. I unleashed a new drinking game on the crew which involves hammering nails into a stump. It sounds pretty simple and it is, last nail in has a shot of schnapps.

Following our big hike, some of the crew were pretty keen for a chilled out day exploring Thredbo village. The rest of us got into our ski gear and hit the road to Perisher. There is an amazing café at Perisher called Aldos where I end up most days on my morning tea break. I introduced the gang to the delights of the expertly cooked bacon and egg rolls and we watched the punters tearing up the terrain on front valley.

Two coffees later and we decided to save our cash and not ski. It is hard to commit to one run in the crappy weather. Dane was dressed in his most splendid 80’s fashion and was quite the poser.

We spent the evening at our house again, this time inside, as a new storm swept through the mountains. We cooked a heap of pizzas and celebrated Sophie’s birthday.

The final day we met again at another café for yet more bacon, eggs, toast and coffee.

The gang hit the road back to Sydney. It was an awesome weekend, Holly and I really enjoyed having everyone down. Things should change pretty rapidly now that the season has kicked off and it wont be long before I am out in the mountains enjoying some aussie powder.

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